FYI sign up if you want to join us, space is limited! Family Caroling on Pearl Street in Boulder Pure and Simple Joy — Family Memories that Last a Lifetime! Please join us to sing fun Holiday Songs on Pearl Street on December 19, 2015. This event is for children and teenagers with disabilities and […]Read More
Hi, all, here are some photos …followed by a snippet of some comments from musicians, performers, volunteers and families: “Thanks for having me play music for such a wonderful event! It was great to see the kids get up and play the vibraphone and make music. I think it was a big hit and […]Read More
We have moved the concert to a new location: (AND HAVE 75 MORE SPOTS TO FILL NOW!) East Boulder Community Center Directions Website Address: 5660 Sioux Dr, Boulder, Colorado 80305 Phone: (303) 441-4400 Everything else stays the same!! Still see your smiling faces this Sunday, July 19, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please enter through the open […]Read More
Hi everyone, I am so happy, and sad to say for new families, that we are officially at capacity for Brainsong: the Liberation Concert! We are forced to limit to 100 per park permit. And we only have enough food for 100. But… I am hoping this is not the last concert, as we have […]Read More
Hello! And Welcome! To Register for Our Liberation Concert (we still have about 20 spots left), simply: Send me your: Name, address, phone, email, number attending, how you heard of us To: Me, Julie Marshall, text or call 720-255-9831 or: [email protected] I can’t wait to meet you! The Denver Post Article, Our Liberation Concert!, June 21, 2105: […]Read More
SUNDAY JULY 19, 2015 @ CHAUTAUQUA LAWN BRAINSONG: OUR LIBERATION CONCERT Interactive Performing Arts Event for Kids And Families Living with Disabilities Sponsors: Awesome Boulder Foundation and Association for Community Living (ACL). Volunteers: ACL, EXPAND – City of Boulder; Imagine Behavioral Health Services (IBHS); Project Yes. Donating partners: Noodles & Co.; Boulder Tent Rentals, […]Read More
Hello Everybody! Matthew Shugert, our own Ryan Elementary School student teacher came last week to show our kiddos the clarinet and saxophone. They felt the instrument’s sound in their eyes, on their hands and in their hearts (hope that’s not too cheesy). He was so terrific. They were really into it. Lots of smiles […]Read More
Dear Friends and Supporters: Professional musician Rick Weingarten performed for our kids on the Vibraphone today! He was amazing. The kids each got a chance to play this vibrant instrument, dance, sing and move to the beat. We did the hokey pokey, “she’ll be comin’ round the mountain” and even the Parisian Can Can. It […]Read More